ConstructConnect Case Study
“Truly, we have been able to do a lot more in a much faster time with nCloud Integrators’ expertise in guiding us along. We’ve learned and implemented things at a much faster manner because of this partnership,” states Beth Patrick, GTM Systems Administration Manager with ConstructConnect.
ConstructConnect, a trusted provider of commercial construction information and technology solutions, grew rapidly through the acquisition of nine different companies and as a result, needed to streamline processes and systems to enhance customer interactions.
Beth Patrick, GTM Systems Administration Manager with ConstructConnect, discusses the outcomes and work that resulted as part of nCloud Integrators’ Blueprint Enhancement Service, which includes a Customer Success (CS) strategic assessment, technical platform audit, custom recommendations and a project roadmap.
ConstructConnect is early in its Gainsight journey, and the company needed a full understanding of its Gainsight configurations, as well as a well-defined project roadmap for enhancements based on its business needs and processes.
The company also needed to identify ways to streamline and bring consistency to customer interactions because the consolidation of nine different companies resulted in various workflows and systems.
“Throughout this process, we have gained valuable insights,” states Beth Patrick. “The knowledge and experience nCloud Integrators brings to the table is invaluable because they know Gainsight and have worked with so many other companies in streamlining Customer Success processes.”
nCloud Integrators met with key stakeholders to gain a full understanding of ConstructConnect’s processes, needs and desired outcomes of each business unit. nCloud hosted a strategic discovery call, end-user discovery call, and collected responses from tailored surveys distributed to each of these audiences. nCloud also worked through a technical audit of the company’s Gainsight instance to evaluate setup and use.
From this evaluation, nCloud was able to develop a comprehensive package that addressed the desired outcomes with incremental improvements, technical configurations, and high-level, strategic guidance.
“Truly, we have been able to do a lot more in a much faster time with nCloud Integrators’ expertise in guiding us along. We’ve learned and implemented things at a much faster manner because of this partnership,” continues Beth. “nCloud’s approach is great in that they take the time to educate us on Gainsight by working alongside our new administrators to build new features and enhancements.”
This research led nCloud Integrators to focus on the following areas of improvement:
Enterprise-level data integration
Customer value realization
Analysis of adoption metrics and trends
Initial steps taken toward improving these areas began with revamping redundant health score measures that were not capturing necessary customer information. Changes to the health scorecards have already resulted in a 15% increase in user adoption, including a 7% increase in healthy active users.
ConstructConnect’s next step is capturing analytics to explore customer behaviors. This will help predict churn, identify upsell opportunities with user licenses or additional territories, and ensure health score measures are working appropriately. nCloud Integrators will assist the company to improve its Gainsight system performance and data accuracy within the Rules Engine, retiring several unused rules, consolidating duplicate rules, and ensuring all rules are correct, valuable, and up to date.
In addition, ConstructConnect will work with nCloud to implement the new C360, building out more robust dashboards, and setting up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for triggers and visibility to use with Gainsight’s Success Plans and Playbooks.
To learn more about nCloud Integrators’ Gainsight Blueprint enhancement services, click here.