apree health Case Study
“For me, the biggest advantage of working with nCloud Integrators is having an expert in the room. Every time I meet with nCloud Integrators, I am blown away by the technical knowledge and the CS strategy expertise. I feel like we are going down the right path, and we are able to accomplish so much in a shorter amount of time than what we would be able to do on our own.”
apree health is on a mission to build the first end-to-end healthcare solution that redefines the care experience and transforms the way patients access and engage with care, the way providers deliver care, and the way employers and other purchasers pay for care.
Joseph Beker, Manager of Customer Success Operations for apree health, discusses working with nCloud Integrators Expert Services Team to automate and scale its processes to allow Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to focus on the things that matter to its customers.
When Castlight Health merged with Vera Whole health to become apree health, the decision was made to use Gainsight as the dedicated customer success system for the newly merged organization to help capture pertinent customer information, contacts and interactions.
“The process of bringing in this new part of our company into the Gainsight instance was a bit out of my wheelhouse, so nCloud Integrators came to mind. I attended nCloud Integrators’ Level 1 Gainsight Administration training at Pulse, and I was blown away by how great this training was, so they were the first organization I thought of when we needed Gainsight help. After this piece was finished, we decided to continue with the nCloud Integrators Expert Services team. Gainsight is only a small piece of what I am responsible for in my role, so I really needed some help pushing Gainsight along to improve our CS Operations,” states Joseph.
apree health wanted to be more efficient and have its Customer Success team really focus on the things that matter to its customers. nCloud Integrators is helping the company scale its processes using automation, and worked with apree health to look at its customer journey and identify automation opportunities based on its overall business and team objectives.
“nCloud Integrators is great about getting out of the weeds and looking at the big picture of how things can be done better for us internally as well as for our customers. They focus on your overall corporate and team goals - and then tap into the full capabilities of Gainsight to achieve these goals,” states Joseph.
“For me, the biggest advantage of working with nCloud Integrators is having an expert in the room. Every time I meet with nCloud Integrators, I am blown away by the technical knowledge and the CS strategy expertise. I feel like we are going down the right path, and we are able to accomplish so much in a shorter amount of time than what we would be able to do on our own. Also, I am able to focus on the other parts of my job because I have so many other things on my plate outside of Gainsight.”
“One of our corporate goals is to produce a Quarterly Business Review (QBR) for our customers every quarter. Preparing the decks for these meetings takes a lot of time. Using Success Snapshots, we are able to take more than 75 different data points that live across three different systems and automatically merge this data into Google slides. So what would have taken about 100 hours of work over the year is now reduced to minutes,” continues Joseph.
apree health runs fun, healthy challenges in its app that are specific to each customer. In order to create these challenges, the company has to collect configuration information from the customers. In the past, this would take at least 30 minutes on a call with the customer walking through the options and making decisions. Sometimes this process takes one call, and sometimes it takes multiple calls. nCloud Integrators helped apree health simplify this process by creating a survey that collects this same information in a few minutes. This new process is quicker and easier for the company as well as the customer. Since these challenges are held twice per year, the company expects to save about 20 hours per year with this new automated survey process.
nCloud Integrators initiated a contact hygiene automation project to help maintain a clean customer database. “This is going to save our team a lot of time because the system will send out an email to all of our current contacts to verify they are still accurate and/or to provide any contact changes. Then, this information will automatically get updated in our system. In the past, we relied on our CSMs to update the contact records, and this process was an afterthought so we have a lot of outdated contacts,” states Joseph.
Every time apree health signed up a new user, a CSM would run a one-on-one, 30-minute onboarding training session. The company wanted to scale this process for the entire team, so now Gainsight’s Journey Orchestrator sends out emails to invite new users to a webinar. The first webinar is next month, and based on initial registrations, the company expects to save at least 30 hours of individual training time.
nCloud Integrators reviewed the company’s Gainsight NPS program setup and optimized the workflows around the survey - as well as created a dashboard with multiple reports that provides the team with desired analytics. NPS is an important metric to the company, and they are focused on continuing to improve scores and response rates while taking a pulse on what’s working well and opportunities for enhancements.
Automated emails are now sent out based on if the survey results are passive, promoter or detractor, and the CSMs automatically get notified of the results, or if follow-up is required or if someone doesn’t respond. In addition, a separate email campaign was developed for decision makers to try to solicit a response from what historically has been a hard to reach group. These automations have significantly streamlined apree health’s processes and freed up the CSMs’ time.
Joseph discusses nCloud Integrators Expert Services offering, “nCloud Integrators can serve as an expert Gainsight administrator. So, if you don’t have one or don’t have the time to spend on the administration, nCloud can come in and do that work quickly and do it well. nCloud Integrators can also come in and pull you out of the technical weeds to help you focus on your overall corporate and team goals - and then tap into the full capabilities of Gainsight to achieve these goals. They are the experts who have worked with so many other organizations and know what works well. nCloud consultants will help you along the journey and will say “I think you could be doing more here.” I am impressed by the nCloud expertise as well as how quickly we achieved our objectives